September is Suicide Prevention Month

We’re on a mission to create connected corporate communities using Mindfulness, Neuro Science, and Play.

Health & Wellness Coaching in the Corporate World

Our corporate wellness programs are customised to meet your specific needs and go above and beyond. Each program is managed by Candice herself, who will provide ongoing support. We use a data-driven approach to ensure measurable results and offer comprehensive reporting to maximize the return on investment of our holistic wellness solutions.

We believe your company has its own unique eco system that requires a nurturing of its people to truly flourish.

Our Services

  • The Connection Method

    Mind your Gut

    Wellbeing at Work Workshop

    Mental Health in Workplace


  • Drumming


    Core yoga

    Meditation + Mindfullness


Who we’ve inspired….

The Connection Method

Learn about our star service

This workshop brings your teams together to really connect as humans. The deeper our rapport with each other the deeper our ability to understand each other and create together. When we are connected we are less likely to have conflict and more likely to find solutions to work together. We have to transform how we connect with each other at work to really transform work place culture. No longer can we do things the old way if we want to create new ideas. This workshop with integrate the science of Nuero Semantics with the Eastern practice of mindfulness and breath work.