Inspired By Play

Inspired By Play


  • In this 2 hour workshop your people will have the opportunity to understand movement, sound and creating rhythm as one organic team. This is an out of the box experience that allows portals for creativity, innovation and connection.

Power Of Play Workshop

  • 1-3hour/

    In this fun and playful workshop we tap into our inner child using the three primary tools of play.

    Types of Play:

    Imaginative and Constructive Play Art, Craft, and Design Play Physically Active Play

    The main goal of this workshop is to reignite motivation, inspire innovation and create a connected community.

Coga Yoga

  • Yoga infused with the rewiring of Neuro Semantics allows us to not only move throw a meditative flow but rewire any limiting beliefs. Using Techniques embodied by Anthony Robbins this class is for any level of fitness and is a quick way to reset your teams mind and body.

Meditation and Mindfulness

  • Our classes integrate various forms of Yogic practices including physical practice and breathwork to allow participants to quieten the mind and body. Allowing clarity to emerge along with a deep sense of self awareness. When we are able to sit with and understand ourselves we are able to understand others.

    A Harvard Research study showed changes to brain activity which substantiated research showing meditation to improve anxiety, depression, ptsd along with a range of skin and gut conditions.

    Suitable for all levels Online or Face to face


1 hour in your body out of your head

Statistics show that in order to be efficient in the workplace we need to be present. Understanding how to process stress out of the body with free flow movement and breath allows us to release cortisol the stress hormone and come back into homistacias or presence and balance.

  • Improved posture

    Improved concentration

    Assists in relieving neck or back pain

    Decrease in stress levels

    Greater mobility

    Increase in energy


Yoga infused with the rewiring of Nuero semantics allows us to not only move throw a meditative flow but rewire any limiting beliefs. Using Techniques embodied by Anthony Robbins this class is for any level of fitness and is a quick way to reset your teams mind and body.

  • Improved posture

    Improved concentration

    Assists in relieving neck or back pain

    Decrease in stress levels

    Greater mobility

    Increase in energy


Our classes integrate various forms of Yogic practices including physical practice and breathwork to allow participants to quieten the mind and body. Allowing clarity to emerge along with a deep sense of self awareness. When we are able to sit with and understand ourselves we are able to understand others. A Harvard Research study showed changes to brain activity which substantiated research showing meditation to improve anxiety, depression, ptsd along with a range of skin and gut conditions. Suitable for all levels Online or Face to face

  • Improved posture

    Improved concentration

    Assists in relieving neck or back pain

    Decrease in stress levels

    Greater mobility

    Increase in energy

Your instructor Candice Godinez

As an NLP Coach , Yoga & Meditation teacher and Personal Trainer she observed that the companies that flourished took an in depth integrative approach to employee wellbeing and culture. Bringing her experience and skills together with other Health Wellness professionals she created a data bank of knowledge and programs that is Conscious Corporate Health